Work has been crazy busy-end of month stuff and end of year projects. How did you all spend your Thanksgiving?? Frank and I spent Wednesday night and Thursday cleaning up after every parents favorite illness-you guessed it "the stomach flu". Jewel ran a lovely 101.7 fever and got sick, Cannon had the decency to just get sick and not run a fever. This is how sick she was-she laid on the couch sleeping for over 12 hours- no singing or dancing-nothing; scary huh?
The kids and I did get to go home Friday afternoon, but had to stay away from my nieces and nephews b/c Jewel had not been fever free for 24hours when we 1st arrived and after that everyone was pretty much just scared of the germs that could have been carrying-except my parents and durable Uncle Kurt. Jewel was still pretty tired, slept a lot, and watched tons of Disney channel (so she was delighted).
We did get to celebrate Thanksgiving and birthdays at Bill and Katies on Sunday which I was so thankful for-that way my kids still got to celebrate Thanksgiving. It was the 1st family gathering that I can ever recall minus G'ma Rose so it felt weird. The kids had tons of fun eating and playing with their cousins. Katie's mom sent a raspberry pie she'd made from scratch; oh MY! It was so......... DIVINE! That girl can whoop it up in the pie department.
I need to finish a project before I go home and we have AWANA tonight. I haven't even made Christmas list for my kids presents yet how bad am I? We also have no decorations up for Christmas; no not one.
Frank's mom's 60th b-day is this week- I have so many ideas of things I want and intend to do, but never seem to complete.
I officially got made my 1st Avon sale today!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited; I've never sold products before.
If any of you get a chance; watch Lake House I LOVED IT! My friend Missy made me take a break and watch it with her; I'm so thankful.
The kids and I did get to go home Friday afternoon, but had to stay away from my nieces and nephews b/c Jewel had not been fever free for 24hours when we 1st arrived and after that everyone was pretty much just scared of the germs that could have been carrying-except my parents and durable Uncle Kurt. Jewel was still pretty tired, slept a lot, and watched tons of Disney channel (so she was delighted).
We did get to celebrate Thanksgiving and birthdays at Bill and Katies on Sunday which I was so thankful for-that way my kids still got to celebrate Thanksgiving. It was the 1st family gathering that I can ever recall minus G'ma Rose so it felt weird. The kids had tons of fun eating and playing with their cousins. Katie's mom sent a raspberry pie she'd made from scratch; oh MY! It was so......... DIVINE! That girl can whoop it up in the pie department.
I need to finish a project before I go home and we have AWANA tonight. I haven't even made Christmas list for my kids presents yet how bad am I? We also have no decorations up for Christmas; no not one.
Frank's mom's 60th b-day is this week- I have so many ideas of things I want and intend to do, but never seem to complete.
I officially got made my 1st Avon sale today!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited; I've never sold products before.
If any of you get a chance; watch Lake House I LOVED IT! My friend Missy made me take a break and watch it with her; I'm so thankful.